3 reasons your brand should take a stand on a societal issue

The Edelman 2018 Earned Brand Report is not a new, but it is one of my faves, so I wanted to share it with you.

If you are in any doubt about whether your organisation should take a stand on a particular societal issue, then this one’s for you.

This study provides a global snapshot. It highlights a growing, worldwide phenomenon - the rise of the ‘Belief-driven buyer’. 

Today, more than ever before, we reward brands who align with our beliefs and values. We give them our attention, our money and our loyalty.

In challenging times, being a brand prepared to stand up for what you believe in matters. How you do it matters too. Done well, there is much to gain.

Three take outs to tickle your taste-buds…

  1. Trust in government is at an all time low. Business has an opportunity to be a force for good. 64% think CEO’s should take the lead on change.

  2. Belief driven buying is now mainstream. 2 in 3 are ‘belief-driven buyers’. Its a rapidly growing trend which transcends age and income.

  3. What your brand stands for is as likely to drive purchase intent as product features. But your stance is more likely to generate conversation and social activity. 

The non profits we work with are sector experts. Inequality, imbalance, injustice - what does your business care about? If your business wants to find out how you can be a force for good, get in touch.


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