Programmed to help - why collaborating with non-profits is good for you

Last Friday, I sat and cried. 

Cried because I knew what Tom Shadyac and all the spiritual leaders in ‘I AM’ were saying was true.

We have got it wrong.

We have been brainwashed into believing fame and fortune = happiness. 

As Tom rightly points out, in ‘The Descent of Man’ Darwin writes once about ‘survival of the fittest’ but ‘love’ and ‘cooperation’ over 100 times. It’s human nature to work together.

The beautiful thing is we are programmed to care. To love. To help each other. This means deep down, it feels right when we do. When we are in the space of giving and helping our bodies are in their element, performing at their optimum. We think clearer and make better decisions. 

Two years ago I had a moment of clarity. 

Bringing in a charity to our agency to collaborate with our client on a marketing campaign, I thought, “why don't more brands work in this way?”

It had such a powerful impact on everyone involved. It moved us beyond marketing. We were using our skills to help.

I was so clear when I resigned. Clear that my decision was the right one for me. Clear that I wanted my life to mean more than just sales and wins. 

Things need to change. Less collaboration with profit makers, more collaboration with trailblazers and change-makers.

The reality is we need more collaboration, more businesses, like you, to support the incredible work of non-profits. So next time you are putting budgets aside to market your products or services, think about what partnering with a non-profit could do to help. 

If you want…

…influencers, they can help.

…content, they can help. 

…events, they can help. 

…insight, they can help. 

…cool as shit programs to make the world a better place, they can help.

The best bit - you can engage your employees, feel good about yourself and perform at your optimum. What's not to love?


The future of charity partnerships (and why sunk cost fallacy is preventing us from saving the world)